Large outbuilding destroyed by fire

FIREFIGHTERS UNROLL hose in order to fight a fire that destroyed a barn on Stripmine Rd. Sunday

Heavy black smoke from a “barn fire” in Wilmington could be seen in Braidwood Sunday as firefighters from several departments spent six hours controlling and extinguishing the blaze.
It happened around 3 p.m. Sunday when the Wilmington Fire Protection District was called to 22838 Stripmine Rd for a reported structure fire. Based on dispatch information received, a Full Still level response for mutual aid was requested while enroute to the scene.
Wilmington deputy chief Todd Friddle said firefighters found heavy smoke coming from the majority of a grouping of large outbuildings when they arrived.
Due to the extent of the wind-driven fire inside the building, the fire extended from the area of origin throughout several direct exposure buildings.
A Box Alarm mutual aid request was made shortly after arrival with the incident eventually escalating to a Second Alarm response bringing in additional agencies from the tri county area.
Battling the cold and wind driven fire, Wilmington firefighters along with several other fire departments were able to gain control of, and extinguish the fire before it extended into two other connected buildings.
No injuries occurred to civilians or firefighters as a result of the fire.
Access for fire engines and tanker trucks to the buildings was limited due to the single lane approach to the property. Stripmine Rd. was closed for the duration of the fire with assistance from Wilmington Police as well as Wilmington ESDA and Braidwood ESDA due to water supply operations and the large amount of equipment on scene.
The MABAS Division 15 Cause and Origin Team was requested to assist with the fire investigation. Area fire departments assisted in handling several other incidents in the Wilmington Fire District while crews were busy for around six hours on the structure fire.